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Beyond the Optics | Backing Women, Not Just Showcasing Them [7 min read]

Mar 11, 2025

 The Complexity of International Women’s Day

By Samantha Gash 

As International Women’s Day approaches, I find myself reflecting on the complexity of progress, recognition, and credibility.

Every year, I’m invited to speak at events acknowledging this day, yet so often, that invitation comes with the expectation of a reduced rate.

The contradiction is striking.

But this isn’t just about speaking. It’s about how women’s expertise, leadership, and achievements are valued across industries.

Whether in corporate leadership, entrepreneurship, sports, or the arts, the pattern is clear:

  • Women must prove their credibility over and over again.

  • Support, recognition, and investment are often given based on familiarity, not merit.

  • Success is more easily celebrated when it fits a narrative people are comfortable with.

Too often, support for women is performative, designed for visibility rather than impact.

The real test isn’t who gets celebrated on International Women’s Day, but who gets backed when no one is watching.

Want to Support Women in a Meaningful Way This IWD?

If you or your organisation are serious about real change, here’s how to move beyond performative action and make a lasting impact:

1. Pay Women Their Full Worth

Visibility is not the same as value.

Many organisations are quick to showcase women on a panel, feature them in a campaign, or invite them to speak at an event. But when it comes to compensation, investment, or leadership roles, the enthusiasm fades.

If an organisation truly values women’s voices, their pay, funding, and opportunities should reflect that.

2. Create Long-Term Opportunities, Not Just One-Day Acknowledgments

Real impact comes from continuous commitment:

  • Mentorship programs
  •  Leadership pathways
  • Equal funding for female-led initiatives
  • Sponsorship (not just mentorship) to get women into decision-making roles

3. Elevate Women’s Voices Beyond a ‘Diversity Tick-Box’

If your panel, executive team, or investment portfolio includes women only because the optics demand it, that’s a problem.

Women shouldn’t just be included for balance; they should be positioned as decision-makers and thought leaders.

4. Challenge Biases in Hiring, Leadership, and Investment

Who gets the keynote slot? Who is positioned as the headline act? Who gets to be the expert rather than the moderator? Who gets the funding and backing to scale their ideas?

These choices shape industries and determine who is given credibility and opportunity.

5. Fund and Promote Women-Led Ventures With the Same Confidence as Men’s

From startups to endurance expeditions to artistic projects, women often receive less financial backing and media visibility, not because they lack ability, but because familiar narratives drive investment.

If we want more groundbreaking achievements by women, we have to believe in them, back them, and amplify them… not just after they succeed, but from the very start.

Why Is Some Credibility Assumed While Others Have to Fight for It?

Some people walk into a room, onto a stage, or into leadership roles, and their expertise is assumed.

They don’t have to prove it again.

Then, there are those who have to fight for that same space, over and over again.

I’ve spent my career leading in high-stakes environments where nothing is guaranteed. I’ve run across countries (India, Nepal, South Africa), led endurance expeditions in extreme conditions, built a business from the ground up, and raised $1.2M in 12 days for bushfire relief—without organisational backing or media support.

And yet, I still hear:

🗣️ “We’re not sure how to position you.”
🗣️ “We don’t see the link between endurance and leadership.”
🗣️ “We already have a woman on the panel.”
🗣️ “We need someone with more authority in leadership.”
🗣️ “We’d love to have you, but we can’t justify your fee.”
🗣️ "Our audience would resonate with a male voice more."

And that’s the problem. The perception of leadership is shaped by familiarity, not reality.

Endurance, expedition, and mission-driven leadership are never solo efforts. Behind every major endurance challenge is:

✔️ Strategy
✔️ Logistics
✔️ Resource procurement
✔️ Problem-solving
✔️ A team that makes it possible

Yet, the assumption persists:

  • Military leadership is seen as team-based.

  • Endurance is seen as individual.

One is recognised as leadership training. The other requires justification.

Who Do We Instinctively Champion?

This isn’t just about individual success, it’s about who we choose to believe in from the start.

Despite doing endurance expeditions for well over a decade, I watched as Ned Brockman’s incredible record attempt from Perth to Sydney was treated as though it was the first time anyone had attempted an ultramarathon.

I like Ned. He’s a friend, and he is one resilient, wonderful human.

But his journey revealed something bigger: credibility and support—when and why they’re given, and who they’re given to.

Ultra-distance running, endurance feats, and long-haul challenges have been done by many before him, including women.

Yet, when women take on similar endurance challenges, they receive:

Less media coverage
Fewer sponsorships
A fraction of the recognition

Why? Because our expectations shape who we celebrate.

It’s easier to celebrate women after they’ve succeeded, after they’ve overcome barriers, exceeded expectations, and proven their worth beyond question.

But for too many women, even success isn’t enough.

Real Change Means Backing Women Early & Equally

💡 Recognise women’s potential early—not just after they’ve over-delivered.
💡 Invest in them fully—not just when it’s safe or obvious.
💡 Remove the barriers that require them to prove themselves again and again.

Real progress isn’t about celebrating women when it’s convenient. It’s about backing them before the world decides they’re worth celebrating.

Because if women have to succeed twice over just to be seen as credible, we aren’t just failing them.

We are holding back progress, innovation, and growth for everyone.

💬 What do you think? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

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